At age 14 Frankie is just your ordinary mildly geeky girl. She's in the Debate Club and is known by her family as "Bunny Rabbit".
At age 15 Frankie is now incredibly hot and has obtained a boyfriend,long time crush, Mathew Livingston. A very popular dude with a very wealthy family. Who we soon learn is also very secretive, you see, Frankie starts to get suspicious about her boyfriend and one day she follows him and finds out that he is a member of The Loyal Order of The Basset Hounds, an all male secret society which is known for it's notorious tricks, pranks and possibly,crimes. What is a girl to do when a situation like this comes her way. She hacks the society of course.
Age 16. What do you think will happen?
I must say this book was incredible. A romance/mystery novel that you must read unless maybe you want to stay out of jail. Just kidding! I give this book a 9 out of 10. I strongly recommend you go to the bookstore and buy it, now. So go, I'm waiting.