Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks!

At age 14 Frankie is just your ordinary mildly geeky girl. She's in the Debate Club and is known by her family as "Bunny Rabbit".

At age 15 Frankie is now incredibly hot and has obtained a boyfriend,long time crush, Mathew Livingston. A very popular dude with a very wealthy family. Who we soon learn is also very secretive, you see, Frankie starts to get suspicious about her boyfriend and one day she follows him and finds out that he is a member of The Loyal Order of The Basset Hounds, an all male secret society which is known for it's notorious tricks, pranks and possibly,crimes. What is a girl to do when a situation like this comes her way. She hacks the society of course.

Age 16. What do you think will happen?

I must say this book was incredible. A romance/mystery novel that you must read unless maybe you want to stay out of jail. Just kidding! I give this book a 9 out of 10. I strongly recommend you go to the bookstore and buy it, now. So go, I'm waiting.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Knots in My Yo-Yo String!

Okay, so my teacher read it to as. It was the autobiography of Jerry Spinelli and it was simply riveting. His life is more interesting than I thought (This might only be because my teacher read it to me)! It talks about his girlfriends, the sports he played,the Hokey Pokey man, and much more. My favorite chapter was the one named "When I became king" . It really sketches a picture in my mind of the splendor he had as prom king with his lovely girlfriend, Julie at his side and all the intellectual glory he snagged as valedictorian. Jerry Spinelli's childhood was amazing and so were his teens even though he eventually lost all his teenhood glory. He did later recover that glory in his adult life by publishing his first book Milkweed. Jerry's books always inhabit many of his life expieriences and that makes his literature a joy to read because you know there's something real in there and that it's not all fake. Jerry always I give it an 8 out of 10. I recommend you read it or have your teacher read it to you.

Last Chapter of Story!

It took a while,but I had writer's block.I also made another book which I'll make another blog for!
Here we go...

On the day of the contest Jada dressed in a lovely brown dress and some black flats and so did her friends. When it was their turn they got up and sang her song. Everybody loved it and the camp leaders were all persuaded into letting the girls read their Bibles at camp. They were all thrilled and celebrated by having a little party with a Jesus theme.
Jada and her friends never got tired of camp when it was time to go they got each other's cellphone numbers and always stayed touch. 'Till this day all of the girls remember the song by heart.

GOD bless you all. Bye-Bye!
Lovingly Crookked,

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I've been tagged

I've been tagged by Books and Love. I have to pick the closest book to me, turn to page 123, find the fifth sentence,post the next three sentences, tag five people and post a comment to the person who tagged me once I've posted the three sentences. The closest book to me is my devotional Bible, page 123 is a devotion! Now here I go:
"Dad rumpled Keith's hair as he waled by. "It's good for you", he said, "and it pleases the Lord. "That afternoon Keith and his dad decided to take a bike ride.

People I tag:
Reader Rabbit
The Book Muncher
Lovingly Crookked,