Wednesday, April 30, 2008


At first I read a little and decided I hated it, but I picked it up during Spring break and I totally loved it. I mean it wasn't as AMAZING as Stargirl,but it was pretty good.

So Stargirl is now grieving over the loss of her poor Leo. Time goes by and she tries to write the Longest Letter Ever professing her love for Leo and telling him how the absence of his presence is affecting her life. She meets new people like the rough-rousing 11 year-old, Alvina,sweet little Dootsie, agoraphobic, but lovable Betty Lou, and bad boy harem leader, Perry. With the help of her new friends and nature she learns to get over Leo and start her life anew. I give this book 7 hearts out of 10. I recommend it to all!

Lovingly Crookked,

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