Friday, April 4, 2008

My New Story~Part 3

This is gonna be a good one!


"Hey guys, I've got an idea on what we could do for the talent show Friday, wanna hear it", asked Jada confidently.

"Sure", all her roommates yelled with enthusiasm.

"Well I was thinking we sing a song for the talent show about how much we love God", Jada said nervously.

"It's time we use the power of music for something good", Penelope said strongly.

"Well the flyer did say that free speech was allowed, but it might be hard especially 'cause there might not be many Christians or Messianic Jews on camp", Lily said.

"You never know, Penelope said confidently.

"I agree and as the Bible says "Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task for the Lord my God is with you; he will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly"~1 Chronicles 28:20

"You're right we should at least try to see whether this will change anything", Lily said

"Have you written any lyrics yet,Jada",Penelope asked.

"Yup",Jada says handing them each a copy of her lyrics, "You could put it to the sound of your instruments".

"Cool",Lily said.

"But you should sing it so we can see what we can do with our instruments", Penelope added.

"Okay,We will not be silenced,'cause the Bible told as to not, We will not be silenced, 'cause our GOD is so good, you can take away my book, you can take away my pencil, you can take away our papers. We will not be silenced, 'cause our Lord is so good, He provides us with food, And I'll never forsake Him. For He loved me so, That he gave his only begotten son, That who so ever believed in Him, Shall not perish,but have everlasting life, We will not be silenced,"cause our Lord is here,We will not be silenced, We will praise and cheer. We will not be silenced,'cause Jesus loves us so,This I know, cause the Bible told me so, If we see an atheist, we will go and preach, If we see a demonic worshiper, We wont turn to violence.Oh our Lord is so good. We will NEVER be silenced", Jada sang.

"Wow, that was amazing, I love your singing voice",Penelope said finishing of with wild applause.

"I loved it too,but I'm a bit sleepy", Lily said with much praise for Jada's singing.

"Thanks guys, I'm a little sleepy too",Jada said yawning.

"Good night guys",Lily said.

"Good night ,Lily", Penelope and Jada both said.


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