Okay, I'm gonna write a story that came to me one day, starting from today going. Tell me what you think about it. If you hate it then say so and if you like it then say so as well. I based my characters on real people, hope you like it! But some stuff is just from my head.
We Will Not Be Silenced by Abby O.
"Hurry up in there I'm gonna be late",yelled Jada to her sister Nia who was in the bathroom.
"Don't you think it takes time to make me look as good as I do",Nia jokingly retorted back.
"Beauty is only skin deep",Jada shouted.
"It's all yours lil' sis",said Nia walking out of the bathroom looking truly divine.
"Finally",Jada yelled sarcastically out.
You see Jada was going to Ruby Stone's Tennis Camp in New Hampshire and she didn't want to be late because she had heard really cool things about it. But she will later find out that the camp is not all that it's cracked up to be!
After a couple of minutes Jada got out of the bathroom and she looked even better than Nia. She had on some Sheer Cover and Burt Bees Natural Lip Balm/Shimmer. She was wearing her favorite blue "Jesus Loves Me" shirt with her dolphin necklace and matching earrings. She was also wearing her Nike tennis Fauna Skort and her Blue Chuck Taylor X-His. She walked to her room got her racket case and her three huge blue luggage bags and went down stairs to get her parents so she could go to Tennis Camp and then they all jumped into their Tahoe hybrid and drove all the way to New Hampshire.
"Bye",said Jada to her parents when they finally got to the camp.
'Bye,Honey",said her parents and then they drove away.
When she finished registering. She decided to go see her cabin(Cabin 34) since the first day of tennis camp was for exploring the camp and making new friends. She decorated her single bed and the space around it and then she took out her book and started to read. She dozed off in the middle of her novel. Suddenly the door started to creak and she was immediately startled.
"Are you okay",asked a nice girl,about Jada's age,as she walked into the cabin.
"Oh,nothing serious just a mini heart attack is all",said Jada jokingly.
"Oh I see we've got our self a Cabin Clown in here",said the girl in a assertive voice(jokingly of course).
"Indeed we do",Jada said sarcastically.
"My name is Penelope",said the girl nicely.
"My name is *drum roll please* Jada",said Jada.
"I was born in Jamaica",said Penelope,"What about you?"
"I was born in Jamaica too",Jada said,"How old are you?,I'm 13"
"Me to",Penelope said.
"What school do you go to",said Jada,"I'm going to Alabaster Prep after summer vacation"
"Me too",Jada exclaimed excitedly.
"We have so much in common",they both sang in unison.
They both broke out into a flood of hysterical laughter.
"One more thing",Penelope said,"Are you a Christian?"
"Well clearly",said Jada excitedly gesturing to her shirt,"Wanna see the Bible I got for my birthday?"
"Ha-Ha,why Not",Penelope said sitting down on Jada's bed as she pulled out a big slick looking blue Bible.
"Wow it's beautiful",Penelope said.
"Wanna go read it at the lounge",asked Jada,"I've got another one that my mom said I should give to a friend, you can have it"
"That's so generous of you, thanks",said Penelope looking very grateful.
So with their new matching Bibles,the girl's hopped over to the lounge,picked a seat and started to read.Lots of other girls in the lounge were looking at them as if they were aliens,but the girls didn't pay them much mind,they just went on reading their Bibles. Finally someone spoke,It was one of the camp counselors.
"Girls, Bibles aren't allowed in this camp",said the counselor.
The girls couldn't speak. They were simply dumbstruck.They were just suddenly full of sadness. They were very angry.Lots of things jumbled through their heads. They were simply speechless,but they finally said something.
"Whaaaaaaaat",they both said looking like they had just been smacked for no reason,but that was it. All they could say was "what?".
We Will Not Be Silenced by Abby O.
"Hurry up in there I'm gonna be late",yelled Jada to her sister Nia who was in the bathroom.
"Don't you think it takes time to make me look as good as I do",Nia jokingly retorted back.
"Beauty is only skin deep",Jada shouted.
"It's all yours lil' sis",said Nia walking out of the bathroom looking truly divine.
"Finally",Jada yelled sarcastically out.
You see Jada was going to Ruby Stone's Tennis Camp in New Hampshire and she didn't want to be late because she had heard really cool things about it. But she will later find out that the camp is not all that it's cracked up to be!
After a couple of minutes Jada got out of the bathroom and she looked even better than Nia. She had on some Sheer Cover and Burt Bees Natural Lip Balm/Shimmer. She was wearing her favorite blue "Jesus Loves Me" shirt with her dolphin necklace and matching earrings. She was also wearing her Nike tennis Fauna Skort and her Blue Chuck Taylor X-His. She walked to her room got her racket case and her three huge blue luggage bags and went down stairs to get her parents so she could go to Tennis Camp and then they all jumped into their Tahoe hybrid and drove all the way to New Hampshire.
"Bye",said Jada to her parents when they finally got to the camp.
'Bye,Honey",said her parents and then they drove away.
When she finished registering. She decided to go see her cabin(Cabin 34) since the first day of tennis camp was for exploring the camp and making new friends. She decorated her single bed and the space around it and then she took out her book and started to read. She dozed off in the middle of her novel. Suddenly the door started to creak and she was immediately startled.
"Are you okay",asked a nice girl,about Jada's age,as she walked into the cabin.
"Oh,nothing serious just a mini heart attack is all",said Jada jokingly.
"Oh I see we've got our self a Cabin Clown in here",said the girl in a assertive voice(jokingly of course).
"Indeed we do",Jada said sarcastically.
"My name is Penelope",said the girl nicely.
"My name is *drum roll please* Jada",said Jada.
"I was born in Jamaica",said Penelope,"What about you?"
"I was born in Jamaica too",Jada said,"How old are you?,I'm 13"
"Me to",Penelope said.
"What school do you go to",said Jada,"I'm going to Alabaster Prep after summer vacation"
"Me too",Jada exclaimed excitedly.
"We have so much in common",they both sang in unison.
They both broke out into a flood of hysterical laughter.
"One more thing",Penelope said,"Are you a Christian?"
"Well clearly",said Jada excitedly gesturing to her shirt,"Wanna see the Bible I got for my birthday?"
"Ha-Ha,why Not",Penelope said sitting down on Jada's bed as she pulled out a big slick looking blue Bible.
"Wow it's beautiful",Penelope said.
"Wanna go read it at the lounge",asked Jada,"I've got another one that my mom said I should give to a friend, you can have it"
"That's so generous of you, thanks",said Penelope looking very grateful.
So with their new matching Bibles,the girl's hopped over to the lounge,picked a seat and started to read.Lots of other girls in the lounge were looking at them as if they were aliens,but the girls didn't pay them much mind,they just went on reading their Bibles. Finally someone spoke,It was one of the camp counselors.
"Girls, Bibles aren't allowed in this camp",said the counselor.
The girls couldn't speak. They were simply dumbstruck.They were just suddenly full of sadness. They were very angry.Lots of things jumbled through their heads. They were simply speechless,but they finally said something.
"Whaaaaaaaat",they both said looking like they had just been smacked for no reason,but that was it. All they could say was "what?".