Saturday, March 15, 2008

Caddie Woodlawn!!!!!!

I had to read this book for school and it was pretty good. It was based on the author's grandmother, Caroline Watkins. It told about her first 12 years of life and the whole time I was reading the book I was thinking that she probably got her period late if she could run wild with her brothers like that(aren't I just creepy). Anyway,at first she was a tomboy and she played pranks on people, she plowed, she hunted, she did so many boyish things that every time her mother looked at her, Caddie could see how her eyes were full of dismay sometimes. Then finally her father who allowed her to run wild with her brothers because he didn't want Caddie to die like one of his daughters died 'cause of how delicate and frail she was, persuaded her to become more ladylike 'cuz he believed it was her responsibility. She did it because she loved and respected her father. So after that she quit being a tomboy and she started to be ladylike. She sewed instead of plowed,she washed dishes instead of hinting and much more. But she didn't quit hanging out with her two brothers, Tom and Warren. They grew so fond of hanging out together that they sewed with Caddie, they did chores with Caddie and everything else! Caddie Woodlawn was a true American pioneer! Overall this book got a 6 out of 10!

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