Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Year Of Secret Assignments!!!!!!!!!!

This book is my favorite. It is a young adult fiction about 3 high school girls who get 3 boy pen pals from a mandatory pen-pal program in their school,that was meant to bring peace between the rival schools of Ashbury High and Brookfield High. At first the 3 girls aren't really happy about their assignment,but eventually become really really tight with the boys. Except for Cassie who's pen-pal had used a fake name and made up everything he had told her. Cassie already had a fragile heart from her father's death a year before, but that didn't stop "Matthew Dunlop" (her pen-pal) from messing with her. In the end one of the girls (Lydia) becomes one of the Brookfield boy's girlfriend and Cassie gets her justice. Much more happened, but I don't want to spoil the book for anyone who wants to read it. Overall this book gets an 8 out of 10!!!


Teen Reader said...

LOVED THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Abby O. said...

Oh yeah,TOTALLY agree with you.It is like my 3rd favorite book.Cathy's Book is 2nd and Twilight(even though I'm just on pg.140)is first!