This is the sequel to TTYL. This book is also written entirely in instant messaging. In his book Zoe gets a boyfriend named Doug (who used to have a crush on Angela). Maddie becomes attracted to a pot-smoking boy named Clive and is persuaded into smoking some pot (that's what you get when you don't believe in GOD) . Angela finds out that she is moving to El Cerrito, California and eventually escapes El Cerrito and moves back to Georgia and lives with her funky Aunt Sadie. Now this book is a bit funny and talks about some stuff that needs to be talked about so it was pretty good. Overall it scored 4.5 out of 10.
Eleven Questions: Sara Zarr
Okay, so it sounds like most of you who were able to get ahold of the book
have finished it, or are close to it, by now. So yay! If you weren’t able
to get...
Personally, I hated this book. It was about something important but it seemed so unimportant because it was written in AIM lingo. Which is just weird!
Yup,totally agree with you.I actually hated the whole series,but that doesn't mean someone else wont like it.:)
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